I forgot my Profile ID/Password. How will I retrieve?
You can retrieve your Password by clicking on Forgot Password link in home page and enter your PROFILE ID.We will send you an
e-mail with respective 'PROFILE ID' and 'Password' immediately. Your E-mail ID should be the one registered in your profile.
How do I change my password?
If you want to reset password, can login with your PROFILE ID and Old Password.Now select Edit Password option in members home
page. Now you can enter new password and click submit button.
IF you are a registered branch customer of Garuda Online. Please take the following steps to logon to avail online Service.
1. Login with your PROFILE ID as a username and password.
2. It will redirect to a “Retrieve Your Password” page ,Now enter the Email ID one registered in your profile and click submit.
3. We will send a PROFILE ID and an auto-generated password to your email.
4. You can login using the PROFILE ID and new password.
How to register on Garuda Mangalya Sahayi ?
Registration on Garuda Mangalya Sahayi is simple. You can register your profile either as Free Member or Paid Member of Garuda Mangalya Sahayi. All you need to do is, click on ‘Register Free’ link and fill out the required information in the Application For New Registration as completely as possible and click on the 'Save' button.
What are the differences between Free membership and a Paid Membership?
With a Paid membership, you will be able to use the following facilities Search and view partner profiles without any limitations. Walk-in to any of our branchs, and get the value added services. Select partner profiles and proceed with members who express interest in you. Add your Horoscope details and search partner profiles matching your horoscope. Communicate members either directly/online. Get service from Garuda Mangalya Sahayi until your marriage.
My Caste / Religion/ Profession /Mother Tongue etc. are not available in the new profile registration form. What can I do?
We tried to be as comprehensive as possible while providing the options being used in the new profile registration form. However, if you do not find your religion / caste, mother tongue, education, profession etc in the profile registration form, you can add such details in the ‘About me’ column. Alternately you can contact our branches
How much do I have to spend for initial registration on Garuda Mangalya Sahayi?
You will not have to pay anything for the Free Membership on Garuda Mangalya Sahayi. For availing our value added services, you will have to become a Paid Member.
What is the significance of Profile ID?
Profile ID is important as it uniquely identifies a profile in Garuda Mangalya Sahayi. Each member of Garuda Mangalya Sahayi has a unique Profile ID. The profile id will be displayed in the screen when you login to your account of Garuda Mangalya Sahayi
How do I search for my partner on Garuda Mangalya Sahayi ? What are the different search options available?
To find your life partner, you can use the following options. Normal Search allows you to find partners based on options like Religion, Caste, Age, Profession, Height etc. The Advanced search allows you to find partners based on more detailed options
How can I communicate with other members?
Only Paid Members are allowed to communicate directly with our Members. There are various means available for communicating with members. You can use the ‘Express Interest’ option to initiate communication/ start with.
Is it necessary to add a photo to my profile?
Not necessary. But adding photos significantly increases chances of receiving ‘Express Interest’ from other members.
How do I contact customer care?
You can avail dedicated customer care support on: Ph: +91 9995016760. Click on ‘Contact us’ link to find out our worldwide branch contact information.